Thursday, December 26, 2019

What Does Drafting Mean in Composition

In composition, drafting is a stage of the writing process during which a writer organizes information and ideas into sentences and paragraphs. Writers approach drafting in various ways. Some writers like to start drafting before they develop a clear plan, notes John Trimbur, whereas others would not  think of drafting  without a carefully developed outline (The Call to Write, 2014). In any case, its common for writers to produce multiple drafts. Etymology From Old English, drawing Observations Just Put It DownConvince yourself that you are working in clay, not marble, on paper not eternal bronze: let that first sentence be as stupid as it wishes. No one will rush out and print it as it stands. Just put it down; then another. Your whole first paragraph or the first page may have to be guillotined in any case after your piece is finished: it is a kind of forebirth.Planning- Though some sort of plan is almost always useful when drafting, resist any temptation at this stage to pin down every detail in its proper place. A huge investment in planning can hamper you during drafting, making it difficult to respond to new ideas and even new directions that may prove fruitful.The Writers Best FriendThe main rule of a writer is never to pity your manuscript. If you see something is no good, throw it away and begin again. A lot of writers have failed because they have too much pity. They have already worked so much, they cannot just throw it away. But I say that the wastepaper basket is the writers best friend. My wastepaper basket is on a steady diet.Responding to Students DraftsInstead of finding errors or showing students how to patch up parts of their texts, we need to sabotage our students conviction that the drafts they have written are complete and coherent. Our comments need to offer students revision tasks of a different order of complexity and sophistication from the ones they themselves identify, by forcing students back into the chaos, back to the point where they are shaping and reshaping their meaning. Sources Jacques Barzun,  On Writing, Editing, and Publishing, 2nd ed. University of Chicago Press, 1986Jane E. Aaron,  The Compact Reader. Macmillan, 2007Isaac Bashevis Singer, quoted by Donald Murray in  Shoptalk: Learning to Write With Writers. Boynton/Cook, 1990Nancy Sommers, Responding to Student Writing, in  Concepts in Composition, ed. by Irene L. Clark. Erlbaum, 2003

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Characteristics Of Leadership As A Leadership Minor

Characteristics of Leadership During my time as a leadership minor, I have been exposed to countless lessons of leadership. In both the classroom and during retreats, the experiences within the Leadership Studies minor have allowed for a new discovery of the importance of leaders. In each lesson, I have thought about how to use the different concepts of leadership in the classroom. As an aspiring middle school teacher, I consider ways to better interact with my future coworkers and I think of the best ways to teach potential students. The combination of being an Integrated Educational Studies major and a Leadership Studies minor has been mutually beneficial within each field. One of the most prominent lessons I have learned in the†¦show more content†¦Remembering to take a step back in group decision making was beneficial for team dynamic and respect. A major learning outcome for me came from LEAD 314 Developing Effective Teams. In this class my classmates and I were placed into five groups and were together for different assignments. The selection for the teams was completely random and I was placed with six of my peers who I did not know very well. Throughout the semester, I learned about their temperaments and interaction styles to better understand how they act and how I can better communicate and interact with them. We worked together in the classroom, at our retreat, on a ropes course, for a facilitation, and eventually became a high functioning team. â€Å"The atmosphere in an effective team tends to be informal, comfortable, and relaxed. There are no obvious signs of boredom or tension. One signal that your team is effective is that you enjoy being around the people. You want to come to the team meetings† (Parker). Having an 8:30am class was definitively not my first choice, but having great teammates made coming to school in the morning totally worthwhile. I found so much joy in getting to know the members of my team and we found ways to work well together. When people think of leadership, they often envision people in positions of power. While many impactful leaders have held major positions, leadership is also attainable for those who take charge.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Egyptians Essay Example For Students

Egyptians Essay Did the early Egyptians have help in building the pyramids? All over theworld remain fantastic objects, vestiges of people or forces which the theoriesof archaeology, history, and religion cannot explain. There is somethinginconsistent about our archaeology. They have found electric batteries manythousands of years old. They have found strange beings in perfect space-suitswith platinum fasteners. They have also found numbers with fifteen digits-something not registered by any computer. How did the early men acquire theability to do this? par ab Some say all these questions can be answeredthrough the evidence found in ancient wall paintings and carvings, and thesculpture and buildings found in many different parts of the world. All overEurope and South America there is evidence left behind by the ancient people ofthese great civilizations.par ab First, a look at whether there is or couldbe intelligent life on other planets. It is conceivable that we world citizensof the twentieth ce ntury are not the only living beings of our kind in thecosmos. Because no alienspar from another planet is on display in a museumfor us to visit, the answer, our earth is the only planet with human beings,still seems to be legitimate and convincing. But that is a very narrow-mindedway to look at things. The idea that life can flourish only under terrestrialconditions has been made obsolete by research. It is a mistake to believethat life cannot exist without water and oxygen. Even on our own earth thereare forms of life that need no oxygen. They are called anaerobic bacteria. A given amount of oxygen acts like poison on them. Why should there not behigher forms of life that do not need oxygen?par We are still convinced thatour earth is the center of everything, although it has been proved that theearth is an ordinary star of insignificant size-30,000 light-years from thecenter of the Milky Way. The human race is certainly more willing to acceptthe possibility of extraterrestria l contact now than it was, say, half acentury ago. So if there is evidence shown the extraterrestrials did have aninfluence on ancient civilizations, we should be able to look at it and makea intelligent decision for ourselves.par ab Much evidence is found on thewalls of ancient buildings and temples. The walls of tombs and even caveshave the signature of something other than human. In Anannhet, Tassili there are rock paintings 8,000 years old with strong figures. These figures are flying above a spherical object with a hatch like lid and twoprotrustions, l that seem to be spitting fire or smoke. Also, on these rockpaintings there is a painting of a creature with antenna-like excrescences onhis arms and thighs. He has a helmet with slits for eyes nose, and mouth. There is a naked woman next to him. Also, in the Libyan Desert there are StoneAge Cave paintings of floating people, creatures. How do cavemen, or how wouldthey think of floating men? They didnt ev en have a spoken language. Onanother Tassili Mountains there is a man that seems to be wearing a closefitting spacesuit like that in modern times. A disc was found named thegenetic disc. It was named this because on each side on the disc there werecarvings of the life from conception to full growth the disc is dated around12,000 BC This is very amazing since prehistoric inhabitants of Colombiaor anywhere else for that matter didnt have microscopes and therefore itwould have been almost impossible to know of spermatozoa. So where did theyget this knowledge Many wall paintings and carvings are just this. Theyshow men in modern day astronaut suits and wings. There are carvings offlying machines in many places all over the world. Did these ancient peoplejust think of these creatures and very m odern objects? One must remembermost ancient civilizations depicted everyday life on their walls and things thatreally happened to them. So why would they draw space suits and flying menand objects.par ab There are also m any sculptures that have certaincharacteristics that are unusual to the normal art of the civilizations andits people. Sculptures of half human half animal creatures are found inmany parts of the world. Also on Lake Maracabo, Venezzuela a femalefigure with four faces and huge slanty eyes was found. Some archaeologists eventhink that the statuettes of the pregnant women even represent something. Theythink that the abnormal huge shape of the women shows that they had to becarrying something more then normal embryo. Is it that or just the depiction ofthe pregnant women to these ancient people. There are legends that say giantpeople invade Malta. That they impregnated their women and that is why thewomen were so huge, they had huge babies inside them.par pard ab ab KebraNegast tells use about wombs split at birth ab because the fetuses had growntoo big. A Sumerian ab cuneiform inscription from Nippur says that Enlil,god ab of the air, violated the child of earth, Ninlil. ab Ninlilbeseeched the profligate: my vagina is too ab small, it does notunderstand intercourse. My lips are ab to small, they do not understandhow to kisspar ab ab I do not venture to speculate whetherEnlil was ab an extraterrestrial or a first generation descendantpar ab but it does emerge clearly from the Sumerian text that ab his bodyand its parts were too big for the normal- ab sized maiden, Ninlil.parpar pardsl480 ab So does the prove that there were extraterrestrials?No, but it does give one more piece of evidence to support that theory. .u74ff06bacd56f13611ab18a8c833c6d5 , .u74ff06bacd56f13611ab18a8c833c6d5 .postImageUrl , .u74ff06bacd56f13611ab18a8c833c6d5 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u74ff06bacd56f13611ab18a8c833c6d5 , .u74ff06bacd56f13611ab18a8c833c6d5:hover , .u74ff06bacd56f13611ab18a8c833c6d5:visited , .u74ff06bacd56f13611ab18a8c833c6d5:active { border:0!important; } .u74ff06bacd56f13611ab18a8c833c6d5 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u74ff06bacd56f13611ab18a8c833c6d5 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u74ff06bacd56f13611ab18a8c833c6d5:active , .u74ff06bacd56f13611ab18a8c833c6d5:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u74ff06bacd56f13611ab18a8c833c6d5 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u74ff06bacd56f13611ab18a8c833c6d5 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u74ff06bacd56f13611ab18a8c833c6d5 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u74ff06bacd56f13611ab18a8c833c6d5 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u74ff06bacd56f13611ab18a8c833c6d5:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u74ff06bacd56f13611ab18a8c833c6d5 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u74ff06bacd56f13611ab18a8c833c6d5 .u74ff06bacd56f13611ab18a8c833c6d5-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u74ff06bacd56f13611ab18a8c833c6d5:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Overcoming Marital Conflict Essaypar ab Next, lets look at the buildings and the architecture of theancient civilizations. First, in Sacsayhuaman, Peru there are huge stepsthat are made with such accuracy and are so large there is no credibleexplanation for them. There are also monoliths that look as if they had beenpre-par cast like modern concrete. Thrones for giants? These are huge. Did !giant men sit in them? There water conduits are cut out solid p ieces of exactmeasurements. They have polished insides and outside surfaces, with smoothcross sections. In Tiahuanaco there are blocks that have holes and ridges inthem as if there were clamps that held the two stones toge ther. There are alsomassive stones that have been cut in La Paz, Bolivia, presicely and with suchsharp edges they couldnt have been made by the stone axes or wooden wedges usedin the time this was carved. A ball made of one solid piece of stone stands inSan Jose, Costa Rica, as a decoration. This ball is dated several thousandyears ago. It stands with a diameter of seven feet, one inch. The surface isvery smooth and the ball is a perfect sphere. All of these structures areamazing in that, it is unexplainable how people of these ancient civilizationscould have made them with the resources they had to work with. However, I thinkone of the most amazing of all the ancient structures are the pyramids ofancient Egypt. These pyramids are so awes ome in size that it is very hardto believe that any human being, or even several hundred human beingstogether could build such a mammoth structure. It might be more convincing if they made the pyramids out of small blocks. Itwould take a long time, but they could do it. Instead, they were made out ofhuge blocks of stone and carried from far off places. There are many theorieson how these pyramids were built, but all theories have been disproven or atleast quite far-fetched. There are many structures that cannot be explained. So should we look to the stars? There may be an answer.par ab From the skythere is another facit to the theories of extraterrestrials on earth. From anairplane, one can see an ape, 260 feet high included in a geometrical system oflines drawn with an extreme accuracy that would have been inconceivable withouta knowledge of surveying. There are also pictures scratched on the hillsidesnear Nazca that show figures several yards high, with radiating crowns,similar to the aureoles in Christian painti ngs. In Peru there areworshipping figures in rock drawing, they have zigzag lines that areattributes on the gods, according to Peruvian tradition. How could these bemade? They are high sophisticated designs that are to large to do while on theground, without a way to see it. par ab We have only looked at a very smallportion of the evidence. There are book after book that give evidence tosupport these theories and to explain how it all fits together. Are there anyanswers? Really all there is , is the evidence that one archaeologist oranother has said was done or was the work of extraterrestrials. One must lookat the evidence. All the wall paintings and sculptures, all the amazingstructures with no real reason or explanation. To reallly look at thie subject,one will need to open their mind and forget about all the traditional rules anddecisions and maybe see that the possibilities are endless.par }Category: Science

Monday, December 2, 2019

Substance Abuse an Example of the Topic Health Essays by

Substance Abuse Nothing is wrong when someone uses drugs as medication and drinks alcoholic beverages. But becoming addicted to these substances is a serious case that becomes difficult to deal with when it gets out of control. Substances that are usually abused are drugs, tobacco and alcohol, and abuse can turn into dependency. Need essay sample on "Substance Abuse" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed The Food and Drug Administration defines substance abuse as the use of substance for more than its intended purposethat can harm the users health or capability to function properly. In most cases, people become victims to substance abuse because the substance provides a positive, euphoric effect. Moreover, the substance is believed to reduce tension and even enhance personal abilities. However, addiction to substances differs from individual to individual. Biological factors also have effects on a persons susceptibility to substance addiction (Friends4Life, 2000). Substance Abuse There are varied and complicated reasons why people abuse substances such as alcohol, drugs and tobacco. There are studies which showed that there is a strong connection between drug dependence and abuse and crime. Despite the decline in the use of drug such as cocaine, the use of heroin and club drugs dramatically increased. Addiction to these substances affects peoples judgment, attention, perception, and physical control due to intoxication. Moreover, there are substances which can cause withdrawal. It occurs when a persons use of a substance reduces or stops. Withdrawal symptoms can be in the form of hallucinations, anxiety, or seizures. Drug overdose, however, can cause death. Substances can also cause tolerance, a phenomenon wherein a person has to use or take a larger amount of the substance so that the person experiences the same level of intoxication (eMedicineHealth, Substance Abuse, 2009). Past researches have tried to determine factors that may be associated with substance abuse. Some say it is a family disease. On the contrary, substance abuse can be considered a person disease as it is about a certain person and his or her use of substances. However, there are instance when it is useful to look at addiction from the perspective of the user and there are also other circumstances that addiction may be better explained by looking through the perspective of the family (Levin, Culkin, and Perrotto, 2001). In some ways, addiction is a family disease because it runs in the family. As addiction is partly genetic, evidences to show that there is a clustering in the families with regards to drug and alcohol problems are present. Further, families sometimes share predisposition. Addiction being a family disease can also be explained by the notion that addiction can be learned through modeling. A son or a daughter can possibly smoke at a young age because he or she sees his or her father or mother smoke all the time (Levin, Culkin, and Perrotto, 2001). Another explanation for this behavior is the defensive identification with the aggressor. It means that children whose parents are addicted to substances cope with the dysfunction by becoming like their parents. Moreover, most of those who have addicted families experience pain that using substance as anesthetics and self-medication helps. In short, children tend to be substance abusers if their parents are. This can be backed by the evidence in studies that alcoholism which runs in the family has consistent results. Moreover, researches and clinical experience from studies on drug abuse also show that addiction is inherent in the family (Levin, Culkin, and Perrotto, 2001). Drugs Even in the early times, people have been using drugs for a variety of purposes. Some take them for reasons such as altering consciousness, medication, and participating in religious and cultural rituals. As times changed, people have come to use drugs for reasons that are completely not related to the historical purposes. In fact, they use substances due to their psychoactive effects. A psychoactive drug is one that influences ones emotions, perceptions, motivation and behavior. Drugs that have psychoactive effects are depressants, opioids, hallucinogens, inhalants, and cannabinoids (Levin, Culkin, and Perrotto, 2001). Specific examples of drugs that are usually abused are marijuana, cocaine, heroin, methamphetamines, and club drugs, which include ecstasy and LSD. Results of studies showed that the use of marijuana and other drugs are closely related to violent behavior. Methamphetamine, for instance, increases paranoia and reduces inhibitions (Division of Behavioral Health Services, 2005). Tobacco Tobacco contains nicotine, which is the primary addicting substance in cigarettes. However, there are other chemicals in a cigarette smoke that could damage a persons health. Diseases that are associated with smoking include lung cancer, peptic ulcer disease, stroke, and heart disease. Once a smoker withdraws, he or she will experience depression, anxiety, sleep disturbances, and hunger (eMedicineHealth, Substance Abuse, 2009). Like drugs, people have varied reasons for using tobacco. These reasons could range from simple pleasure to weight control. Other reasons are curbing hunger, relief of depression and improved vigilance and performance (eMedicineHealth, Substance Abuse, 2009). Alcohol Alcohol is a depressant that has a tranquilizing effect and sleepiness. A person may abuse the use of alcohol because of its psychoactive effects. It can relieve emotional tension, and can cause a person to feel happy, bold, and more confident. The negative effect, on the other hand, includes the person becoming intoxicated by it. It also adds to the impairment of reasoning and judgment. Moreover, intoxication may cause slurred and garbled speech, disturbed vision, and difficulty in motor coordination and maintaining balance (cited in Levin, Culkin, and Perrotto, 2001). Perhaps the most prominent effect of alcohol abuse is loss of memory. In addition, alcohol usually releases a person from inhibitions as alcohol affects certain parts of the brain, especially in the limbic system and frontal lobe that are responsible for self-control, emotions, and moral reasoning. This causes the drunken person to become rowdy and at times violent. Studies have also shown that intoxication is related with aggression and violent crimes (cited in Levin, Culkin, and Perrotto, 2001). Dependency People may interchange the terms abuse and dependency. However, dependency is worse. This stage shows that the use of the substance becomes progressively worse (Division of Behavioral Health Services, 2005). While abuse refers to the bodys intense desire to take increasing amounts of a substance, dependence indicates the bodys need, or addiction, to a certain substance. Dependence can result in behavioral problems and physical harm. Moreover, it can cause a person to associate with others who abuse drugs (eMedicineHealth, Drug Dependence and Abuse, 2009). Most of the time, the use of substances is continued despite the serious consequences in the personal lives and health of those who are dependent on substances (Division of Behavioral Health Services, 2005). There are symptoms which indicate if substance abuse is already on to the level of dependency. Dependence is characterized by the increasing episodes of intoxication. It is also characterized by a persons loss of interest in other things. Moreover, he or she loses control over use of the substance, and feels remorse at how his or her use of the substance resulted to. In addition, dependence indicates the persons tolerance to the drug or alcohol. It is also possible that he or she reacts negatively to withdrawal from the drug. Furthermore, memory failures can be a result of substance dependence. And, in many cases, those who are dependent on substances experience problems on a personal and social level with regards to work, and relationships (Division of Behavioral Health Services, 2005). References Division of Behavioral Health Services. (2005). Self-study handbook. Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services. eMedicineHealth. (2009). Drug dependence and abuse. WebMD. Retrieved January 12, 2009, from eMedicineHealth. (2009). Substance abuse. WebMD. Retrieved January 8, 2009, from Friends4Life. (2000). Substance abuse. Levin, J.D., J. Culkin, and R.S. Perrotto. (2001). Introduction to Chemical Dependency Counseling. U.S.: Rowman & Littlefield.