Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Quality assurance Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Quality assurance - Assignment Example Without the customers, it is believed that quality would not be a concern in this case. Pleasing the customer in this principle is key for the sustenance of the organization. Therefore, a customer’s taste and preference has constantly to be known so as to know the quality required. Organizations constantly thrive to become better than they were before due to the ever competing and changing world. Human beings are always dynamic in nature and tend to change with what is on the trend. Companies too have to do so by improving towards the better. This can be achieved in total quality management by ensuring that they have implemented changes in their production process that would lead to efficacy and deliverance of quality products and services. Through comparison with the past, good companies always works towards improving on their performance (Asher 2002, p.78).Successful companies ensure that they deliver quality products and services through emphasizing on improvement of factors of production. Labour for instance can be shaped to become better through proper training and recruitment of qualified staff members suited for the job. Organizations tend to have certain type of suppliers that deliver high quality goods. In case of possessing many suppliers, there those who will deliver low quality goods at a high price, whereas there are those who will stick to their principles and supply the best they can offer at an affordable price. It is always important for organizations to maintain such suppliers close to them than those who deliver poor quality products. The two most important structures in management that can contribute greatly to effective quality assurance and high customer satisfaction is by having a team of qualified workers plus a quality assurance department that is working. First of all, in order for an organization to have skilled workers that will work efficiently and deliver quality products and

Monday, October 28, 2019

Texting and Driving vs. Drunk Driving Essay Example for Free

Texting and Driving vs. Drunk Driving Essay Texting and Driving vs. Drunk Driving Over the last century, technology has helped society move forward, making things faster and easier. Having a vehicle has allowed people to reach a destination faster than they would if they had to ride a bike or even walk. Also the ability to now text using a cell phone speeds up the communication process even more. With all the new technological advances you have to many people taking advantage of it; by texting while they are driving to make business or personal communications even faster. On the other hand you have a new technological advance combined with the alcohol that has been around for ages. Drinking brings out a different side in every person. You have some people that are happy, outgoing, or funny drinkers. Then you have some people that are mad drinkers that want to fight any body that makes a joke about them. Last but certainly not least you have the stupid drinkers; these are the type of people that after drinking decide to get in their car and try and drive and put not only their selves, but many other people in danger. Both texting and driving, and driving under the influence are very dangerous, considering that you could not only kill yourself, but many more people also; but which is worse? The low number of scientific studies may be indicative of a general assumption that if talking on a mobile phone increases risk, then texting also increases risk, and probably more so, 89% of U. S. adults think that text messaging while driving is distracting, dangerous, and should be outlawed. (â€Å"Verifiabilityâ€Å")The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety has released pol ling data that show that 87% of people consider texting and e-mailing while driving a very serious safety threat, almost equivalent to the 90% of those polled who consider drunk driving a threat. †. So why do people continue to text and drive and drive while intoxicated. With all test that have been conducted and the scary results, I don’t understand how people could stand to put their own lives at risk everyday. Another test conducted by the Transport Research Laboratory in London took it a step further. It found that drivers who sent a text had slower response times, and were more likely to drift in and out of lanes compared to drivers who were intoxicated. The study found that reaction times for those who sent a text while driving were 35 percent worse than when they drove without any distractions at all. When driving while intoxicated, the reaction time was only 12 percent worse than when the driver was sober and driving without any texting distractions (â€Å"Neiger†). The third test showed; At 35 miles an hour, Mr. Alterman’s average reaction time was . 57 seconds, but while texting it rose to 1. 36 seconds, more than twice his average reaction time of . 64 seconds while under the influence. Mr. Brown fared better, but his average reaction time of . 45 seconds rose to . 52 seconds while texting, worse than his average time of . 6 seconds while driving drunk. The results of the tests at 70 miles an hour were better in terms of reaction times. But at highway speeds, the extra distance traveled before coming to a complete stop was much greater. For example, Mr. Alterman traveled an average of four feet farther while driving drunk and an average of 70 feet farther while texting(â€Å"Changâ€Å"). As a research shows, texting and driving is much worse than driving while drunk. When you drive drunk it makes your reaction time a little slower and throws your balance off a little bit. But on the other hand texting and driving is much worse because, when you send or read a text you are taking your eyes completely of the road. Taking your eyes off the road can result in a very fatal car crash if you were to drift into the other lane, or if someone just decides to pull out in front of you; how would you know about it? Even though drunk driving is better than texting and driving, neither one of the two need to be done because you never know what could happen, and how many people you can hurt.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Media :: essays research papers

â€Å"It was about the liberal biases that overwhelm straight news reporting†, is what Bernard Goldberg had to say in response to his problem with CBS evening news. Is it wrong for a reporter to jazz some boring news topic up and maybe make it seem a little more interesting a problem? It can be if the reporter is tending to his bias thoughts and disregarding the objectiveness, fairness, and balance that he or she vowed to do. But is this really a problem in the media? From a conservative standpoint, TV news tends to be more liberal because it features stories such as civil rights abuses, gay rights, and antiwar demonstrations which are all liberal cases. But on the other hand, some can say that its conservative due to pro-business and sometimes doesn’t give equal time to non-mainstream views. When you look at the ownership of many corporate businesses, they tend to have a more conservative view as compared to the people who mend together the stories who are more likely to be more liberal and open to ideas. So where does one draw a line for too much liberalism or too much conservatism? According to Al Franken, â€Å"Asking whether there i s a liberal or conservative bias to mainstream media is a little like asking whether Al Qaeda uses too much oil in their hummus†. From my standpoint as a somewhat liberal-conservative, I can safely say that yes there are liberal views in the media and there are also conservative news reporters in the media. So what is the big deal? That is what makes this world go round, different view points and different outputs for those opinions. So for me to say that the media is too liberal or too conservative would go against what I feel is fair for the American public. I feel there is

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Legal Ethics Healthcare Essay

The legal concept of vicarious liability and the Doctrine of Respondeat Superior occurs when the employee commits a tort or civil wrong within the scope of employment and the employer is held liable although the master may have done nothing wrong( Regan 2002). Physicians and other healthcare providers need to be aware of this doctrine in the supervision of their staff and their day-to-day medical practice. The legal relationship between an employer and an employee is called agency. The employer is called the principal when engaging someone to act for him. The person who does the work for the employer is called the agent. The theory behind respondeat superior is that the principal controls the agent’s behavior and must then assume some responsibility for the agent’s actions (Phelps & Lehman 2005). Most medical malpractice suits are filed as result of negligence (ie, a type of tort or civil wrong) – Negligence is defined by what a reasonably prudent person would or would not do in the same or similar circumstance. Negligence can result from the individual medical provider or from some type of agency relationship that exists between two or more health care providers. In general, when we discuss the relationship between agency and malpractice, we refer to the concept of vicarious liability and the Doctrine of Respondeat Superior ( Columbia 2000). In the context of medical malpractice a negligence action is often precipitated by a bad outcome. Numerous cases have involved the concept of vicarious liability and the Doctrine of Respondeat Superior as a successful cause of a medically negligent action. Recent changes in the health care system may contribute to additional causes of action being recognized. As managed care has moved to the forefront of health care, many medical providers have left independent practice and become employees of large health care organizations (HMOs) or hospitals. Some medical providers have formed their own business with health care extenders who perform many of the services previously provided by the medical provider. As a result, HMOs and hospitals have become employers of medical providers, and medical providers have become employers of their health care extenders (Regan 2002). In the past, the relationship with the patient and extensive documentation in the medical record were the most important elements in preventing malpractice litigation. These efforts, while important, may have less of an effect in the evolving health care climate. With these changes, principles of agency and vicarious liability may become increasingly important in evaluating malpractice liability. Both the negligence of a health care employee employed by an individual medical provider and the negligence of an individual medical provider employed by a health care company have given rise to successful malpractice suits. The Doctrine of Respondeat Superior is one to weigh carefully by both plaintiffs and defendants in their current practice of law and medicine. References: Malpractice. The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 2000. Raines v Mercer, 55 5W2d 263, 264 (Tenn 1932) Regan, J. , & Regan, W. (2002, May). Medical malpractice and respondeat superior. (Review Articles). Southern Medical Journal, 95(5), 545-549. Retrieved January 23, 2013, from Nursing and Allied Health Collection via Gale: Respondeat Superior. (2005). In S. Phelps & J. Lehman (Eds.), West’s Encyclopedia of American Law (2nd ed., Vol. 8, pp. 334-336). Detroit: Gale. Retrieved from

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Utilitarianism and Abortion

Abortion is one of the most debated issues across the globe. People from different sects of the society have their own perception on the abortion. Some try to prove it morally wrong and illegal while others justify abortion on several grounds. There is no need to say that people have their arguments in favor as well as in against the abortion and both the views seem to be right in specific circumstances. Apart from different opinions, law of a society has its own views on the issue which cannot be ignored.This paper intends to discuss the issue of abortion along with examining what utilitarian scholars think on the abortion and several other related issues. Utilitarian view on abortion While examining the utilitarian’s view about abortion one should mull over the ethical aspect of the issue with perspective of greatest happiness. Utilitarian view believes that ethical value of any act is determined by the maximum amount of happiness of biggest quality for hugest number of gene ral population which it creates.John Stuart mill on abortion John Stuart mill is known as father of utilitarian view and it is not possible to understand the issue in Toto without seeing his view on the issue of abortion. John Stuart mill in his book utilitarianism, writes â€Å"Utility, or the Greatest Happiness principle, holds that actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness, wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness. By happiness is intended pleasure, and the absence of pain; by unhappiness, pain, and the privation of pleasure†.The idea given by John Stuart mill is popularly known as principle of greatest happiness. Right and wrong aspects of any action are decided on the basis of pleasure and pain in this principle of john Stuart mill. Happiness and pain are determined as per quality and amount in every incident though it is not that for easy to test the things unless someone has tested the amount of both pleasure and pain. John Stuart mill says that it is good to be an unsatisfied human being rather than a satisfied pig and it is good to be unsatisfied Socrates than a satisfied fool.If a fool or a pig has different opinions, it is just because both of them know only their own aspects of the issue but others who are there for the comparison are acquainted with both the sides. In the light of above findings, it is difficult for the john Stuart mill to take any firm position on the issue of abortion because he, on no account experienced the excellence and amount of happiness which comes from every one situation. Though it good to suggest that mill would have made his stand by analyzing it and comparing the same with the principle of greatest happiness.Application of utilitarian theory We analyze the issue of abortion in different situations and the first one is extreme pro life position which says that abortion is unethical and should be considered illegal in all the situations. People who believe in this theory end orse the opinion that fetus is a human being irrespective of its development. Greatest principle of happiness suggests that utilitarian theory does not endorse this view because as per this principle many people may be happy or unhappy by the decision of abortion but it is the mother whose opinion or pleasure matters.Another scenario suggests that abortion is immoral but when life of a mother is in danger, it should be allowed. This view suggests that a mother’s life is more valuable because of her future ability to bear the child. Utilitarian theory does not endorse such theories because greatest principle of happiness suggests that abortion does not make most people very happy. In the third scenario, abortion is considered illegal because except in the exceptional situation of rape. When a female is raped and becomes pregnant then she should be allowed to abortion because sex was not pre planned.Utilitarian would probably grant their consent for abortion, considering the ex ceptional situation of such cases. People who consider abortion illegal forget about the rights of the women who are pregnant. They may consider it offending and unnecessary interfering in their personal life if they are prevented or advised to not receive abortion. Utilitarian theory also supports this view on the basis of greatest happiness principle. A complete different scenario on the abortion is that it is absolutely moral and legal because it is the discretion of the  woman to decide about her body and she should have the right of abortion if she considers it good for her.Utilitarian theory would probably have no any problem with this view because of the greatest happiness principle. Mill believes in individual’s rights and advocates for such discretions upon own life. Conclusion After having observed the above mentioned detailed analysis of the subject, it is good to conclude that utilitarian theory advocates for the individual rights and further believes in the pri nciple of greatest happiness. Utilitarian view criticizes abortion in very rare and exceptional cases where this is sheer wrong.Utilitarian point of view endorses abortion on the basis of personal life, individual rights and principle of greatest happiness. John Stuart mill opinion about abortion is based on the principle of human’s greatest happiness. Mill suggests that an individual should always be at liberty to decide the things that give him greatest happiness. Abortion or any other issue should be decided by the individuals according to their own situation and interests, mill suggests. Mill’s opinion is widely appreciated and followed in North American countries in modern times as his views advocate for the human rights and liberty in a greater amount.